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Find out how to improve your gas mileage

gas mileage tips can help you reduce the amount of gas you use. If you are already following these tips, you are probably getting the best gas mileage your car can deliver.

Here’s an overview of the tips:

1. Drive More Efficiently

  • Avoid speeding, rapid acceleration, and unnecessary braking
  • Observe the speed limit
  • Avoid idling
  • Remove unnecessary items that add weight to your vehicle
  • Use cruise control on the highway
  • Use overdrive gears when appropriate

2. Keep Your Car in Shape

  • Get regular tune-ups
  • Keep tires properly inflated
  • Use the motor oil recommended for your vehicle
  • Replace a clogged air filter

3. Plan and Combine Trips

  • Combine errands into one trip
  • Consider commuting alternatives (carpooling, public transit, etc.)

4. Choose a More Efficient Vehicle


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