Archive 3 » View All » Automotive Press Releases » CHRYSLER STATEMENT: RESPONSE TO NHTSA SPECIAL ORDER


July 3, 2014 , Auburn Hills, Mich. – Chrysler Group welcomes the findings of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. According to the agency, after conducting and analyzing eight rear impact crash reconstruction tests, NHTSA informed Chrysler that “it did not have any reservations about implementation of Chrysler’s proposed remedy.” This reflects Chrysler Group’s long-standing position — supported in the public record by real-world data — that the vehicles are not defective. They are among the safest in their peer groups and met or exceeded the standards in effect at the time they were first sold. We remain unwavering in our commitment to design, engineer and build vehicles that afford outstanding customer safety and security.
We note that this campaign has been conducted in close coordination with NHTSA. The agency has had full knowledge of our activities. Chrysler Group complied with all applicable regulations governing recalls, and has been working with NHTSA all along in this process. 
Launching a safety recall demands complex engineering and close coordination with NHTSA well before an automaker accumulates replacement parts. To accommodate the high-volume production required for this campaign, Chrysler Group had to find and enlist multiple new supplier partners to supply volume of this part that far exceeded normal demand.
Parts production has commenced. Our supplier partners are committed to a work schedule of three shifts per day, six days per week, with occasional Sunday production. Chrysler Group has already contacted affected customers and advised them of our intentions. They will be contacted again when the time is appropriate to schedule service. The cost of this work will be borne by the Company.

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