DETROIT – General Motors Co. (NYSE: GM) CEO Mary Barra addressed stockholders at the company’s 2014 Annual Meeting today, telling them the company is in the best position to meet and exceed competitive challenges.

“In every market, consumers have more and better automotive choices than ever before,” Barra said. “And the competition is only going to get tougher. This is a reality. Another reality is that GM is positioned to be stronger, leaner and more responsive than ever before.”

She described 2013 as an historic year, during which the company passed a number of important milestones:

  • GM launched award-winning products around the world, including the Chevrolet Silverado, Cadillac CTS and Corvette Stingray
  • The company earned net income attributable to common stockholders of $3.8 billion and earnings before interest, taxes adjusted for special items (EBIT-adj.) of $8.6 billion, a year-over-year increase of $700 million
  • EBIT-adjusted earnings in North America set a record; GM Financial had record earnings before tax; and equity income from the company’s joint ventures in China also set a record
  • Losses in Europe were significantly reduced and the South America region was profitable
  • Moody’s Investors Service upgraded GM’s credit rating to investment grade
  • Standard & Poor’s added GM common stock to the S&P 500 Index
  • The United States Treasury sold its remaining stake in the company

GM’s strong and consistent financial performance paved the way for the company’s Board of Directors to declare a common stock dividend in January 2014. The dividend was paid in March.

During the meeting, Barra also outlined steps the company is taking in response to the ignition switch recalls, and she again expressed her deepest sympathies to the victims and their families.

“I know there are no words that can ease their pain and grief,” she said. “I have and will be guided by two clear principles: to do right thing for those that were harmed and to make sure we accept responsibility for our mistakes and commit to doing everything within our power to prevent this sort of problem from ever happening again.”

Last week, former U.S. Attorney Anton Valukas delivered the findings of his independent ignition switch investigation to the GM Board, and Barra acted to hold individuals accountable for their conduct. She also committed the company to act on recommendations made by Valukas in eight major areas. Many of the recommendations have already been implemented.

Barra also briefed stockholders on last week’s announcement that independent administrator Kenneth Feinberg will oversee a compensation fund for those who lost loved ones or who suffered serious physical injuries as a result of an ignition switch failure. The program underscores GM’s commitment to do the right thing and treat accident victims and their families with “compassion, decency and fairness,” she said.

In conclusion, Barra told stockholders that she feels very good about GM’s near- and long-term potential because of everything being done to make the company stronger and more responsive.

“Today, GM is a very good company,” she said.  “Tomorrow, we can be a truly great company.”


DETROIT – General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) today announced at its annual meeting of stockholders the preliminary voting results representing 82.3 percent of eligible votes.

Item 1: Election of directors
Director Nominees:

  1. Joseph J. Ashton
  2. Mary T. Barra
  3. Erroll B. Davis, Jr.
  4. Stephen J. Girsky
  5. E. Neville Isdell
  6. Kathryn V. Marinello
  7. Admiral Michael G. Mullen
  8. James J. Mulva
  9. Patricia F. Russo
  10. Thomas M. Schoewe
  11. Theodore M. Solso
  12. Carol M. Stephenson

Each director received at least 87.2 percent of the votes cast.

Item 2: Ratification of the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the company’s independent registered public accounting firm for 2014

% For % Against % Abstain
98.6 1.0 0.4

Item 3: Advisory vote to approve executive compensation

% For % Against % Abstain
96.5 3.2 0.3

Item 4: Advisory vote to approve the frequency of a stockholder advisory vote on executive compensation

1 year 2 years 3 years % Abstain
82.8 0.4 16.5 0.3

Item 5: Approval of the General Motors 2014 Short-term Incentive Plan

% For % Against % Abstain
95.6 4.1 0.3

Item 6: Approval of the General Motors 2014 Long-term Incentive Plan

% For % Against % Abstain
95.1 4.6 0.3

Item 7: Stockholder proposal regarding cumulative voting

% For % Against % Abstain
35.8 63.9 0.3

Item 8: Stockholder proposal regarding independent board chairman

% For % Against % Abstain
38.5 61.4 0.1

GM emphasizes these are preliminary voting results.  The final voting results will be filed on Form 8-K with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and posted to within four business days.

Forward-Looking Statements

In this press release and in related comments by our management, our use of the words “expect,” “anticipate,” “possible,” “potential,” “target,” “believe,” “commit,” “intend,” “continue,” “may,” “would,” “could,” “should,” “project,” “appears,” “projected,” “positioned,” “outlook” or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements that represent our current judgment about possible future events. We believe these judgments are reasonable, but these statements are not guarantees of any events or financial results, and our actual results may differ materially due to a variety of important factors. Among other items, such factors may include: our ability to realize production efficiencies and to achieve reductions in costs as a result of our restructuring initiatives and labor modifications; our ability to maintain quality control over our vehicles and avoid material vehicle recalls and the cost and effect on our reputation of product recalls; our ability to maintain adequate financing sources, including as required to fund our planned significant investment in new technology; our ability to successfully integrate Ally Financial’s International Operations; the ability of our suppliers to timely deliver parts, components and systems; our ability to realize successful vehicle applications of new technology; overall strength and stability of our markets, particularly outside of North America and China; costs and risks associated with litigation, government investigations, and compensation program, including those related to our recent recalls; our ability to remain competitive in Korea and our ability to continue to attract new customers, particularly for our new products. GM’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly report on Form 10-Q provides information about these and other factors, which we may revise or supplement in future reports to the SEC.

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